Happy New Year!
What sort of plans do you have for tonight? (leave a comment, I would enjoy reading about your plans!)
Being the wild and adventurous family we are, our plans include dinner, dancing, me in my little black (new! not last years!!!) dress and strappy heels- arriving at our destination in a limousine! You know that man of mine (Brad), always rings in my New Year, with a dozen or more white, long stemmed roses, expensive white wine and very, very expensive perfume- a name I can't pronounce- but because my man (Brad) is so darn fluent in FRENCH, he can!!!...I get many-a-compliments when I wear it on my "day-out" grocery shopping at Walmart! Tommie? Oh, my well-behaved, perfectly mannered, blindly obedient son? He will be enjoying a quiet night with friends, as they discuss their latest book club classic, John Steinbeck's, The Red Pony. His hair will be neatly combed, shirt tucked in, matching socks, always passing on junk food (he is extremely disciplined!!!) and I am very confident he will lead in the advanced, classic book discussion! After, his friends and him...will more then likely play Shakespeare trivia...where again, he will master the game....as he's been raised to be competitive at all costs!
Not true! None of it!
The truth is... we'll be ringing in the New Year with my in-laws. I'll be wearing sweatpants or jeans, I'm making Carmel corn and spinach balls- from the box, we'll eat way too much junk, play Tripoli or Euchre...Tommie will sit and play his PSP and drink more pop then I realize and we'll all be in bed by 10:30, which is an hour later then normal!
Okay, look at this picture of the little boy, above... here's what the caption said, in case you're wondering what it's all about.. This is such a cute old real photo postcard! This card shows a darling little boy dressed in a sailor suit and pulling 2 giant mushrooms, along with sacks of money on an old fashioned sled. I believe the caption is in Hungarian and means "Happy New Year".

I also had FREE coupons for French's Worcester Sauce... 9 of them. I was able to get 9 bottles free! That's a lifetime supply of Worcester Sauce! Or if you have friends to give them to.... smile, wink, nod! I'm just saying.....
Another big deal? Picture not shown, but HOLLY CAN VOUCH FOR ME...since I proudly showed her my freezer, yesterday.... 9 bags of Pillsbury Grand Freezer Biscuits!!!!! Regularly, $3.79 a bag...I got them for .19 each! How? They were on sale at Kroger's for $1.99. The bags had a hot pink peelie sticker on the front for $1.00 off, brings it down to a dollar a bag, I had coupons (9) for .40 off...Kroger's doubles them- .80 cents...so it brings the bag down to .19 each. Wahoo for me!

Here are a few other printable coupons you might enjoy using and stacking!!!
Tons of all different kinds of coupons!
Suave FREE SHAMPOO (mark your calendar- only available on January 14th)
Cascadian Organic Farms! Sign up and receive a free granola bar! Plus, coupons! I was able to print several of these off and use them on sale items... 3 bags of organic frozen french fries for under a dollar a bag!
Well... now I'm off to teach myself about Junco's...snowbirds! Lately, they've really been enjoying the birdseed at our bird feeders! You know, if you get a chance to see one up close, they are a very unique looking bird! Happy New Year!