..... life is an occasion, rise to it!
i just made a batch of these 100% recycled wool pin cushions! they were a blast to make... deciding on colors and recycled thread! the process of felting the fabric together wasn't green friendly... my whirlpool dryer can vouch for that... but sometimes a girl and her dryer, has to rebel against green in the name of cuteness.
now... it's off on a homeschool fieldtrip. tommie and i will be dissecting a wild turkey and plucking it's feathers this morning. it was roadkill. and the person who found it thought we would just love using it for a homeschool lesson. you bet your sweet bippy, we'll be taking pictures... stay tuned.
now... what else is in my little garden tote? pistachio colored spray paint, empty and clean baby food jars for seed storing, scissors, clippers, cell phone, digital camera, large lime green paper bag for gathering glad bulbs and sweet annie seeds.
how did i ever live without this? smile, wink, nod.
happy sunday night.