seven things i did this weekend:
1. watched the dvd, "mama mia!" i loved abba when i was young and goofy. still do... only now i'm old and goofy! and how much fun did the entire cast seem to be having when they danced and whirled through the greek island singing "dancing queen." one song i forgot about and love is... "the winner takes it all." although i'm not sure that's the real title... the song empowers me. and, i've done my fair share of dancing to this song!
2. ironed a huge basket of clothes during a saturday afternoon rainstorm. tried to watch, "tea with mussolini." couldn't get into it.
3. ordered a few new homeschool books. story starters by karen andreola and horizons math grade six.
4. bought these awesome shoes in the picture... don't ask me why the photo shows them discolored... in real life, they're not. found them at goodwill for $2.99. i think they'll look awesome with a pair of boot-legged cut jeans this fall!
5. finished anita shreve's book, "the last time they met." it was absolutely excellent.
6. started another new book, "animal,vegetable, miracle."
7. went for a boat ride at my mom's. enjoyed a big spaghetti dinner tonight with her and her husband.
how was your weekend? i wish you could answer... but my comment tab is missing in action. lisa... help!
i found a super cute craft while i was at the 4H barn this week... took a snap of it... and thought it would be fun to make! wanna see what i'm talking about? click on my twisted education blog or click here!