March 31, 2009

March 29, 2009
wool scraps and rose hips!

March 27, 2009

March 25, 2009
birdhouse gourds finished. and redbox first time.

March 24, 2009
favorite things!

i made four different kind of mixes... beer bread, strawberry bread,and two different focaccia's.... the recipes can be found here: mixes

friends that need prayers!

Our young friend Marla (who frequents this blog) and is in our homeschool co-op... she had a pacemaker put in yesterday and is doing fine. I understand the surgery was uneventful and she may be coming home today!
To one of my bestest friends... Rhonda. Who will be undergoing a hysterectomy today at 4 p.m. Please pray for her, her family and the medical team. And, that she will be in her garden very soon!
March 23, 2009

outside my window: sun is setting. clear looking sky. everything is sure grey here, i'm ready to see green.
i am thinking: of decorating for easter, very soon. shopping for seeds. planning this years garden.
from the learning room: teaching multiplication of improper fractions. and, trying to justify the little bit of schooling tommie got done today. he spent the day with my mom. i sat in the emergency room with my in-laws. we think my father-in-law had a mini-stroke. yes lisa, you just met him at my house.
i am thankful for: that my neck and shoulder pain is history.
from the kitchen: zero. well, leftover carry-out applebee's containers.
i am wearing: blue jeans, khaki cable sweater, no jewelry. barely any make-up. it's been a long day in the e.r.
i am reading: still reading the queen's fool.
i am hoping: for a productive homeschool week, this week. i'm giving tommie one full week off next week...his cousins will be coming in from out of state and staying for a whole week!!! he doesn't know this yet. he'd be doing twirly-birds and somersaults all week long!
i am creating: i'm thinking and planning another penny rug...something with an easter theme.
i am hearing: about natasha richardson's funeral. so sad.
around the house: very quiet night. tommie and brad went up to the hospital to visit grandpa/dad. i would of...but, i've been there all day. and, it's kind of a nice father-son-grandpa memory. hot shower coming up. then settling in for the night.
one of my favorite things: well, yeah...besides getting comments? maybelline mascara. noxema. the smell of laundry drying. that second cup of coffee.
a few plans for the rest of the week: hospital visits, scouts, michigan history, family ( with my aunts) fieldtrip on friday, tommie crosses into boy scouting on saturday! big day.
March 22, 2009
complain, complain, complain.

March 20, 2009
just friday.

March 18, 2009
Wednesday chatter.....

March 17, 2009
nature hike

March 16, 2009
simple woman's day book

the simple woman's daybook for 3.16.09
outside my window: dark. pleasant. and a really feel-good day outside today!
from the learning room: ugh. i tried the homeschool workboxes that seemed like a good idea. not that it isn't...but it just isn't a good fit for our charlotte mason, relaxed, unschooling, child-led, project based homeschool. i felt like it was too schoolish. i'll explain more tomorrow on my twisted education blog.
i am thankful for: probiotics! they've changed my life immensely! brad's too.
from the kitchen: a fresh batch of breakfast cookies. a lukewarm glass of iced tea leftover from dinner.
i am wearing: olive drab columbia hiking pants, mis-matched socks, black hoody, white long john shirt and black tank over that! rhinestone barrette and fake diamond earrings. make-up worn off.
i am reading: the list of new blogs on my sidebar. have you seen them? they're just utterly awesome. shudder. and, also... the queen's fool.
i am hoping: garage sale season opens soon!
i am creating: the penny rug that i blogged about a few posts back. and lesson plans for the two co-op classes i'm volunteering to teach. oh, and maybe a saint patrick's day decoupaged plate, tomorrow. if so, i'll take a snap and post it.
i am hearing: jon and kate plus 8. tommie giggling. wishing he had that many siblings.
around the house: brad in the recliner, dog in the chair sleeping. one small lamp on. tommie snuggled up next to me here on the couch....with very cold feet. saint patrick day lights all lit up.
one of my favorite things: my home.
my plans for the rest of the week: a nature walk in the park tomorrow, michigan history class, homeschool co-op, dyeing my hair, a very cool 80th birthday party, putting nesting material out for the birds, and i'm really looking forward to the rain on wednesday. i just love the smell of it, in springtime. smile, wink, nod.
picture thought: the picture above is by gustavo aimar.
March 15, 2009
This weekend, I had fun printing off freebie's for cheap little shabby chic projects and other free printables for around my home! I found this template to make a shabby chic button jar.. I had an old pickle jar in the basement...which I cleaned up...then just printed, trimmed and glued to the jar! You can download and print this HERE.
I thought it would be fun for Spring, if I found a new grocery list. Forget a plain sheet a paper... how much more exciting is grocery shopping going to be now.... with this whimsical, free, printable, quirky grocery list? You can find it HERE.

I just really love these recipe cards! They're even more sweet in real life! I printed out a stack of them...and will tie them with a soft blue ribbon...and tuck them in my gift drawer to add to someones gift! I even kept some for me! Very, very cute! You can print them, too! Just click HERE.
March 13, 2009
Easy Art!

March 12, 2009
Vintage Treasure!

The story behind these tiny little scissors? Oh, I'm curious to know, myself! You see, my father-in-law was recently in Florida...walking along a gravel road... I'm not sure why...but he looked down and at that moment....noticed this very, very vintage pair of sewing scissors! You can see where the holes-where your fingers go, are worn thin! It's engraved with a name- which I can't make out. My father-in-law scooped them up and brought them back across the country and gave them to me! I wonder where they came from? Who they belonged to and the history of their journey? And, how did they end up in a gravel road? You can bet your bottom dollar, that I'll be respecting this treasure! Just wish I knew the history!
Speaking of treasures... I felted two wool sweaters today, traced a couple of plates I had in the cupboard and traced a cookie cutter...then-- organized this new penny rug! I'll be adding more to the flowers...and I'll also be adding leaves or vines.

March 11, 2009
My nose is buried in....

March 10, 2009
Favorite things!

Well, I'm off to watch my favorite show, "The Duggar's"... I just love Michelle Duggar's pleasant, pleasant, gentle personality!
March 09, 2009

March 07, 2009
homemade muffin mix!

March 06, 2009
Friday Fill-In's!

1. Making my neighbor pasta salad was my last random act of kindness.
2. Another place I love to visit-- yet haven't had time to put it on my sidebar is: BUDGET 101 -- it's loaded with easy ideas for homemaking and budgeting.
3. I'll be honest here...I don't get this question...in matters of the heart.
4. Coffee, tea or Little Debbie Snack Cakes??????
5. Unfortunately, the time comes for friendships to take separate paths.
6. Our acts of kindness reminds me that there is A LOT of good people left in the world!
7. And, as for the weekend.... tonight I'm probably making tacos for dinner and hope to work on more penny rugs.. tomorrow I have ZERO planned and Sunday we'll go to church and once again...I have ZERO planned.
*Gosh, am I boring or what?
March 05, 2009
Thursday Treasures!

Before I forget...I'll share with you some of the cheap, little treasures I found at Goodwill, last Saturday!
I'm still planning on making bird feeder tea cups...I found both of these sets for .29 cents. They're solid white with silver trim...but, I think they'll be fun in one of my colorful flowerbeds, this summer! Plus, the price was right! For now though...they hold two little tea candles on our kitchen table...very uplifting for these cold March days and nights!

In the .20 cent bin at Goodwill..I also scooped up a 3 pack of wooden picture frames.. I'll have Tommie embellish them on a rainy day...perhaps decoupage' or paint or something? I mean for .06 cents- it's a good project to ke

I also picked up a couple of refridgerator frames. They're whimsical!
Can you ever have too enough gift tissue paper? I use tons of it! So, imagine my delight when I found three packs to keep in my gift wrap drawer! You could of watched me doing the happy dance when I discovered red-polka dotted bolts of ribbon, too! Scooped those up, as well! And, a pack of Heavenly Vanilla lip gloss, for my niece!
What's in the ziplock baggy? Come on back in a little while and I'll tell you...you won't want to miss this homemade recipe mix! Hint: get your flour ready!