March 06, 2009

Friday Fill-In's!

I'm joining Lisa at Cornerstone Homeschooling and filling in the blanks for the FRiDay FIll-IN!

1. Making my neighbor pasta salad was my last random act of kindness.

2. Another place I love to visit-- yet haven't had time to put it on my sidebar is: BUDGET 101 -- it's loaded with easy ideas for homemaking and budgeting.

3. I'll be honest here...I don't get this matters of the heart.

4. Coffee, tea or Little Debbie Snack Cakes??????

5. Unfortunately, the time comes for friendships to take separate paths.

6. Our acts of kindness reminds me that there is A LOT of good people left in the world!

7. And, as for the weekend.... tonight I'm probably making tacos for dinner and hope to work on more penny rugs.. tomorrow I have ZERO planned and Sunday we'll go to church and once again...I have ZERO planned.

*Gosh, am I boring or what?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You are SO not boring. I love Little Debbies! Swiss Cake rolls - mmmmm....