May 30, 2010
May 28, 2010
let's play!
May 25, 2010
May 24, 2010
eye candy in my garden!

for eye-candy in the garden this year... i planted a floor lamp in one of my flowerbeds. i picked up the floor lamp at a sale for $1. then marine glued a few goodies in place!
May 22, 2010
the hidden diary!

May 21, 2010
turquoise paint
May 20, 2010
the enchanted forest finale.

(and, i'm not using this phrase as a hyperbole.)
they too, reside in our little pond!
special shout out of thanks to tom a.k.a. dad number 2.... for letting us tromp around in his forest and pond. and giving us a many good memories!
smile, wink, nod!
May 19, 2010
enchanted forest part 4

them. i sauteed' the mushrooms in olive oil, salt and pepper and fresh garlic and fresh scallions. i mixed fresh asparagus in, too! he gave the recipe a thumbs up.
May 18, 2010
the ENchaNTed Forest part 3

can you see what's hiding in there? besides a bit of poison ivy.. which thankfully, i'm not allergic to.... come on now.. looks close!

ta-da! a morel mushroom! if there's one... there has to be more! truth is... my husband found the first one! we don't even like morel mushrooms. but my mom and my dad #2 do! and, of course my favorite next door neighbor. so... why not pick some for them? around this neck of the woods... they sell for $15. for a half pound.
May 17, 2010
enchanted forest part 2

do you hear that? that's my boy tommie calling for us! he found a real treasure... i can tell by his voice~ he found not one treasure... but a pile of treasures! someone, from long ago must of used this secret spot as a disposal area. i wonder who it was? it sure is a good thing we brought along lots of plastic bags.... let's stuff them full of .....
for more good forest fun... tune in tomorrow!
May 16, 2010

May 15, 2010
craft on a rainy day!
May 14, 2010

i kind of felt bittersweet when i went to purchase these. sad because the family who was selling these... made fun of them. "we laughed at these-- we weren't even going to put them out! who'd want them?" giggled the family member. well... there's no giggling here. i will enjoy them and appreciate them... as if my own grandmother stitched them.
smile, wink, nod.
May 12, 2010

perhaps one wouldn't consider waylon jennings and jessi colter the worlds greatest poets. but i have a different opinion. one of my favorite songs of all time-ever is.. a duet they sing titled, "storms never last." i've downloaded it (and other favorite songs of mine) on this blog... so be sure your volume is turned way up! if you haven't heard of this song... scroll way on down on my sidebar and click on the song to play.
today, for a homeschool lesson... i had my son copy the words to this profound song, right here on my blog. and we discussed it's meaning in depth. and, how we should look at life. and, how we shouldn't wallow around in self-pity. and how liberating it is to be self-responsible. solve our own storms and move on. and always... always be the sunshine in someone's life.
while difficult as this is for a hormonal tweenager to absorb... i'm planting the seeds. and that's more then i can say for government run educational institutions.
read on... i think you'll like this, too!
Bad times all pass with the wind
Your hand in mine stills the thunder-
You followed me down so many roads baby
I've picked wild flowers and sung you soft sad songs
and the clouds brewing now won't be the last.
bad times all pass with the wind
May 10, 2010

May 09, 2010

which my new friend cassey told me about. we all sat around the chenille covered table, giggled and made glass wind chimes!
on tomorrow's post.. i'll share the instructions and snaps!
smile, wink, nod!
May 08, 2010
May 05, 2010

after our brown bagged lunch (i saved $10. for packing our own), i told tommie we were going back into the capitol and see if i could talk someone into giving us an exclusive tour. it worked. we had a private tour from an elderly man-- who took us behind the scenes where the public isn't allowed. there, we even learned more... little things that you would never think about. i can't tell you here... security reasons. but, wow. god bless this man for taking time with us.

the public was lined up above-- on the rotunda balconies, in support for "fix michigan roads." never in 45 years have i witnessed lobbying.
May 03, 2010