just had to bring a little
yellow into my house, yesterday! i dropped several
yellow drops of food coloring in the canning jar-make shift vase!
it's been awhile since
i've done a meme... i saw this on my friend penny's blog (
diosa domestica located on my sidebar) and thought
i'd have some fun:
1. never in my life have i been:
drunk, arrested or on illegal drugs.2. the one person who can drive me nuts is:
this man at the flea market i sell at... who walks around playing the harmonica and tambourine. 3. high school was: the worst part of my entire life.4. when i'm nervous: i can't sit still!5. the last song i listened to was:
lady antebellum: need you now.6. if i were to get married right now, my maid of honor would be:
my cousin cathy or rhonda m.7. my hair is:
not a natural color and is very curly. and i'm trying to let it grow really long!8. when i was 5:
i watched captain kangaroo, played with my mrs. beasley doll, and thought life would always be a picnic.9. last
i slipped and told my 12 year old, there really wasn't a santa. I THOUGHT HE KNEW! not a pretty scene. i'm sure... a 12 year old boy who can take apart little engines and is a mechanical whiz.... and yet, he never figured out that santa's sleigh wasn't real?10. i should be:
in the shower and holding down the couch and preparing homeschool lessons for the week!11. when i look down i see:
my black cowboy boots12. the happiest recent event was:
celebrating easter at my cousin cathy's house!13. if i was a character on friends, i would be:
phoebe. a ditsy blond who acts like she doesn't know what's going on. or does she?!?!14. by this time next year i will be:
hopefully-finished with my children's novel.15. my current gripe is:
i need more hours in the day. and my sciatic nerve is really giving me trouble. 16. i have a hard time understanding:
how email is sent and how the internet works?17. there's this girl i know that:
has more energy then anyone i know! she's my mom!18. if i won an award, the first person i would tell would be:
my husband!19. take my advice:
instead of being right... choose kindness.20. the thing i want to buy:
is a few toby keith c.d.'s... mine are all scratched.21. if you visited the place i was born:
you'd be 2 miles from where i am sitting!22. i plan to visit:
a lot of garage sales this season!23. if you spent the night at my house:
you'd have to sleep on the living room floor, in a sleeping bag. my house is very tiny! but, i'm sure we'd make popcorn!!24. the world could do without:
people who are driven by their egos!25. most recent thing i bought myself:
2 bags of seed onions, 1 cabbage and a leek.26. most recent thing someone bought me:
two new t-shirts! from my mom on easter.27. my favorite blond is:
me.28. my favorite brunette is:
i have too many to mention... can't just pick one!29. my favorite red head is:
my wonderful nephew alex!30. my middle name is:
renee.31. in the morning i:
make 2 cups of instant coffee and play on the internet before i officially start my day.32. once at a bar:
i met a few of the detroit red wings players. my best friend at the time, was their flight attendant. 33. last night i was:
finalizing things for today's flea market.happy sunday night!