..... life is an occasion, rise to it!
speaking of treasures from the past... i've recently reconnected with my cousin robin (not really my cousin, but we call each other that... long story!)... anyhow, she is sizzling... on fire with creativity... and invited me to flip a few of my shabby chic items in her cowgirl clozet booth! which she generously sold for me! how nice was that?
do you look for blessings in your day? sometimes i get so busy or so into my own world, that i take things for granted. this past week, i was overwhelmed with kindness that complete strangers and many good friends have shown me!
i thought i'd share a few unbelievable acts of kindness with you...
*i was in a huge hurry friday morning, on our way to homeschool co-op... jumped in the car and noticed i didn't have enough gas to make it there... rushing of course, i pulled into the gas station for some 87 and the pump didn't work... rushed inside... told the clerk and she mentioned it would take a few minutes... panic... i was already late! i grabbed a bottled water, tommie grabbed a package of doughnuts and we paid. when i walked out to pump the 87, another clerk was pumping my gas... "thought i'd help you out in your rush this morning!" she said! how nice was that? this complete stranger, went out and pumped my gas? did i thank her? of course. but even more, i blessed her with a good prayer.
*my dear friend rhonda, made me a birthday pumpkin scone cake! so nice to have after my birthday dinner! my husband didn't have to go out and buy me a sugary walmart cake!!
* my son made me a bracelet out of metal that was laying in the barn. very cool!
* our entire homeschool co-op, sang happy birthday to me! had to be about 100 people or more! either rhonda or lisa w., set this up!
* as i mentioned... my cousin robin offered to haul a rubbermaid tote of shabby chic items to sell in mid-michigan for me... no cost. no obligation. just a quick flip!
*she also made a business connection FOR ME with a lady from alabama... i am praying that the deal goes through and i can work from home for her! we're not talking big money... but something to keep my creative juices flowing.
* i was blessed with the sweetest birthday card from lisa w.'s daughter.... she out-of-the-blue made a keepsake card for me.
tell me about the blessings in your week. they're out there...we just need to be in tune with them! smile, wink, nod.
1. run up to the store real quick and get milk for tommie's breakfast. what kind of mother am i? i should be there now, instead of blogging.
2. organize homeschool lessons today. it's "independent study" day. which means workbooks, workbook pages and review.
3. make a big bag of popcorn and a big batch of sugary kool-aid for my homeschool co-op class. i'm teaching "night at the museum," and have a fantastic movie on albert einstein.
4. organize things to sell at homeschool co-op. price them and find a good box to put them in.
5. finish some shabby chic projects (yep, i'll take snaps)...my cousin robin is taking them to a mammoth antique/vintage/retro show this weekend and plans to sell them for me. she'll be here tonight to pick everything up! thanks rob. i owe you.
6. clean my upstairs. everything has been dropped and plopped. you literally have to lift your leg up real high to step over stuff. it's making brad's ears steam and neck red. could be doing that now, except i'm blogging.
7. pick apples. okay, i think i'll send tommie out to do that.
8. pick end-of-the-garden vegetables and pop them in freezer bags.
9. make copies for my peter rabbit class, that i'm teaching at homeschool co-op. and groom the rabbit a bit... i'll be taking him in for the little kids.
10. tomorrow's my birthday!
11. clean my car. errrrr, maybe i'll have tommie do that too. makes him feel like a man.
12. dye my hair. my roots have done popped. my feet have been neglected, too. i need update my polish. a fall flavor. not a priority today, but would life my spirits everytime i look at my barefeet.
13. pack and ship that beautiful piece of roseville pottery i blogged about a few posts back. it didn't nearly bring in as much money as i had hoped, but, it will be helpful ($) for christmas shopping.
now, i gotta go get milk! smile, wink, nod.
i've never.... in my wildest dreams, ever expected to find a piece of roseville pottery in any goodwill or salvation army store. until last week. and, get this.... it was at our local goodwill!
upon spotting it, i let out a loud gasp... embarrassing enough to make other customers around me take note! this gem, which is about 12 inches long, had absolutely no chips or flaws.
my hands shaking and eyes closed, i turned it over to find the price! i opened one eye... it was (drum roll)..... $2.99! exhale, gasp and holding tightly, i no doubt bought it.
it's a perfect match to my house. but, i know this babe will bring in a whopping couple of hundred dollars or more on ebay. so, while i'm enjoying it now... within a few weeks, i'll say goodbye and put it up for auction.
perhaps i could make this picture my screen saver? that way i'll sort of still "have it," right? smile, wink, nod!