May 31, 2009
mr. obama... you've got nothing on me!

May 28, 2009
Shabby chic birthday gifts and party favors!

May 27, 2009
Yellow on Wednesday!

The recipe:
1 egg, 1/2 c. milk, 1/2 c. hot sauce, 1 tsp. veg. oil, 1 tsp. liquid dish soap, 1 quart of water. Blend in a blender and put in a spray bottle...store in the refrigerator. Spray after each rain and after planting.

Brad tilled up a plot for potatoes...we keep them far away from our real garden...the Colorado Potato Beetle..is such a pest to our other vegetables... anyone out there know how we can get rid of the swarm? Without using harsh chemicals? If so, leave me a comment and help me.

This time of year, our fields are packed full of these sweet little buttercups! My flowers are like long lost friends...who have been gone for a year!

Where has this been all of my life? Yeah, that's right...Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda. I haven't been using bleach for the past couple of years... too toxic for this girl! Some of our whites (okay most of them) needed perked up...especially Tommie socks! I remembered I had a box of this in the pantry... I use it when I make the homemade laundry soap... read the back, gave it a shot and WOW! I had amazing results....without the bleach! Arm and Hammer Soda is my new friend! smile, wink, nod.
p.s. Here's a couple of YELLOW songs to leave you with...hum along with me:
now... go about your day and try to get the irritating lyrics out of your head!
May 24, 2009

May 22, 2009
one and the coon!

when we were finished, we threw the carcass in the bed of my nephew's pick-up truck. i wish i could see his face when he finds the tail-less dead coon!
May 21, 2009
freebie, deals found at Meijers this week!

May 20, 2009
free coupon!

May 19, 2009
earrings, napkin storage, groceries for .56 cents!

all of this was practically free today at krogers!
2 bottles of kraft salad dressing
2 packs of hot dog buns
4 packs of ballpark franks
2 large bottles of bbq sauce
4 tubs of cool whip
(i would of been able to get 4 jars of lemonade kool-aid, too, for free, but the store was sold out!)
i visited a nearby kroger store, which doubles coupons up to $2., i printed most of them of the internet...kraftfoods.com, then matched them up to the store flyer- which was offering a 10 for $10. deal.. and viola'- final out of pocket price .56 cents!
love this coupon game! smile, wink, nod!
May 17, 2009
about friday, saturday and sunday, which hasn't really happened yet.

about friday night:
ewww-weeeee! was i pumped up all day! i had planned to go to a "come and learn about couponing, cut grocery bills and other thrifty tips" at our church. with note book in hand, one last look in my rear view mirror, to make sure i didn't have lettuce stuck in my teeth, i skipped into the building. out of 200 emails, only six people showed up. okay, i thought...doesn't matter, because obviously these woman are hard-core clippers! my heart began to beat rapidly. i thought for sure, certainly... these woman were going to teach me things i never knew. the meeting started at 6:30. one lady spoke for about five minutes or so and then had to split. i listened to the other woman complain about their lives, their kids, their in-laws, their co-workers, their childbirths, what kind of butter they like and don't like...complain, complain, complain. my big blue eyes darting from one person to another...thinking what am i doing here? i lied. yes. right there in church. a big fat lie. God forgive me please, but I can't take anymore. i meekly and with much submission in my voice said... "thanks ladies, but i have to go... i told my husband i'd be home by 8." truth is, i don't think they missed me.
about saturday:
awoke early and fixed up to go to the .25 cent store. it's expanded you know. and it even has shopping carts. i found one brand new tee shirt for brad. just a plain old grey v-neck, for work. i stopped at a garage sale. it had a bright neon pink sign, that read huge garage sale. and, it was nice. i bought nothing. i'm thinking the person running it was pretending she had a retail store going on...since everything was overpriced. example: usborne first book of spanish $6. and a pair of used socks for $1. and well, you get the idea. i headed home.
stopped off at mcdonalds for a sweet tea and crispy ranch wrap. spent a good deal of time out in the gardens, transplanting iris' and planting onions.
i read on hot coupon world. com that if you go to Kraftfoods.com and click on coupons, you'll be able to print-off $50. worth. i did. i printed out a ton. i will be saving most of them to use at store that double, since many are a dollar! i also spent a great deal of time on budget101.com, printing off homemade mixes to make. there is even a link to copy cat recipes, where i printed off arby's bbq sauce.
sunday: my plans for today, church in a few minutes. couponing. harvesting the rhubarb in the picture. i plan to make jam out of it. hope to write more in my children's novel...lots of ideas consuming my mind and taking me to places i've never been...my nose has been pressed against the pages of my research books... and then, back to church for free movie night. smile, wink, nod.
May 14, 2009
Glass jars, cupcakes and lilacs!

May 13, 2009
furniture decorating and meme!

Did you get a newspaper on Sunday? If so, there is a coupon in one of the coupon flyers/booklets that has Kraft salad dressing for $1.50 off a bottle. Take it in to Kroger's, this week, because they're running a sale on it for $1.58. You pay .08 cents for it. I bought a bottle of the Tomato Vinegarette.... great for marinating chicken on the grill!
I found this meme on Penny's blog- Diosa Del Desierto on my sidebar... and thought it looked fun! Here I go:
1. What are your current obsessions? writing my children's novel, thinking about the story line of the novel, painting furniture, decorating, flower gardening and blanket stitched felted crafts.
2. Which item from your wardrobe to you wear the most? holey levi's, anything black.
3. What was your favorite childhood meal? school lunches that my mom packed: salami with mustard sandwich, frito's and Little Debbie snack cake! And, an apple I always threw away, but told her I ate. I lied.
4. Last thing you bought? After my mammogram this morning, in Penny's neighborhood.... I stopped at Goodwill and bought: a pillowcase for .50 cents and a pink-earthy hoodie and a stack of new white linen napkins to embroidery on.
5. What are you listening to? Fox news. Runs all day long. Love the libertarian views.
6. If you were a god/goddess who would you be? God.
7. Favorite holiday spots? Traverse City and I miss Manhattan.
8. Reading right now? Blogs and my new Simple Living magazine.
9. Four words to describe yourself? dependable, crazy imagination, over-thinker, bleached.
10. Guilty pleasures? reading blogs, garage sales and thrift shops.
11. Who or what makes you laugh until you're week? My cousin Jeff and my cousin Cathy. Although, when my dad was alive.... he could make me laugh until my stomach hurt and tears streamed down my face...ALL THE TIME! I miss it!
12. Planning to travel to next? Camp with the scouts!
13. What is the best thing you ate or drank lately? Arby's FREE fruity Mandarin Peach tea and homemade chocolate zucchini bread with white chocolate chips!
14. When is the last time you got tipsy? 1983? I just don't drink.
15. Favorite film of all time? Fiddler on the Roof, Being There and Evita.
16. Care to share some wisdom? He who leaps into the void, owes no explanation to those who stand by and watch.
17. Song you can't get out of your head right now? God is an Awesome God.
18. What one object you would save from a house fire? Videos of my dad. Videos of Tommie's childhood.
19. What is your aim in life? To repay all the kindness people have shown me...
May 12, 2009
foxglove, tacky furniture and me, an author?

You can't beat the price of the acrylic paints at Joann Fabric's. Just .50 cents each. And, they work very well. Sponge brushes? .39 each.
p.s. For the first time ever.... I'm attempting to write a children's novel. With my son's encouragement and my husband's wide-eyed-dang-that's-good- head shaking support, I sat down and the words flowed. I have no set deadline. I managed four pages, effortlessly. I am in love with each of my characters, I know this sounds weird, but true. And, the funny thing is... although my body is in the kitchen at my laptop, feverishly typing away... mentally, I am in a totally different world. It's surreal. I'm feeling much needed personal growth when researching, too. smile, wink, nod.
May 10, 2009
Shabby Chic, thrift stores and garage sales!

May 08, 2009
Garden snaps, Freebie and Friday Fill-In!

May 07, 2009