June 30, 2010

June 27, 2010
i'm not going to confess that i was the one behind the plastic poultry.

and, don't you tell either!
i'm anxious to see if anything is mentioned or if they end up in my pond!
June 25, 2010
baby crib and the farmers market

June 23, 2010
June 22, 2010
green tuesday!
June 21, 2010
piNk MOndaY
June 19, 2010
June 16, 2010
picking garbage!

and then, i arranged peonies in a cookie jar.
now, it's off to work at my church today. i've volunteered throughout the summer. i'm excited to be in an "all christian community," for the day!
June 12, 2010

outside of the humidity, it was a lovely way to spend my two days.
between customers,
i flipped off my flip-flops,
and read more of john steinbeck's, "east of eden."
and drank cold water.
and networked with the cute little owner of the estate!
i'll be doing the whole thing again, right here next month.

June 11, 2010

June 10, 2010
June 08, 2010

June 05, 2010
vintage treasures at a lakewide sale!

i did a cheerleader high kick when i found this vintage high chair (folds down into a toddler table, too.) for just $4. i plan to sell it at one of my upcoming shows, as a plant stand or
to use as a display piece.

i've never, ever seen davey crockett material before. not to mention made into child-sized pillowcases! these are just so scrumptious. i'm thinking they're from the 1960's... something my husband would of used as a kid. i would love to make them into cloth napkins and use them when we have chili. or spaghetti! price? .50 each.
so, how about you.... have you found any odd things while out sailing?
June 04, 2010

1. deep inside a historical fiction is my favorite place to travel to.
2. when i think back on my childhood, i often remember really good and really funny parents, long summer days, girl scouts, the smell of new barbie dolls, sunday's at my grandparents farm, and the happiest childhood anyone ever had!
3. people who have depth, makes for a good friend.
4. the wind in the trees, the rain on my skin, the humidity making my hair curl like shirley temple's.
5. my future is so exciting!
6. my best friend knows how to can, garden and homestead like no body's business!
7. and as for the weekend, tonight i'm looking forward to, rug-hooking, shower and nestling down with a book in bed, tomorrow my plans include, garage sailing with my mom, and sunday i want to go to church, take a big, long bike ride and organize homeschool lessons.
June 03, 2010

the layers of pink petals are luscious!

here i am, modeling my retro apron. it has to be from the 1970's. it's pretty pathetic in real life. it's bullet-proof polyester. unprofessionally homemade. the color is ridiculous. the lace is about as tacky as it gets. and i can't help smiling when i tie it on and wondering who wore it? i feel like carol brady. (brady bunch). smile, wink, nod.
June 02, 2010
June 01, 2010