August 08, 2011

this little piggy (me) has been making hay while the sun shines!  working street markets and canning!  for the first time ever, i canned dill relish!  i also pressure canned green beans... more canning those, tomorrow.  my beets are ready, too.  this winter, they'll be like sparkling rubies, on my salad.  a gem!

i treated myself with the "three little piggy" flower vase... in the first picture.  it was $5. at a local vintage shop.  i love the three little pigs and the moral of the story! 
i also have this little squirrel flower vase (above), which my mom gave me. 
both vases reside on my kitchen windowsill and make me smile, when i'm putting up the harvest... i feel
just like the pig who built his home on a strong foundation and my squirrel inspires me to stash food away for the long winter.
and wink.

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