April 15, 2009

To say that I love Redbox and am taking full advantage of it...is a bit of an understatement. I am addicted. Monday, I trotted up to the local Meijers and entered my free promo code and pressed Nights in Rodanthe, with Richard Gere and oh heck, who cares who the leading actress was (Diane Lane)... I just stared at Richard and that fabulous beach house! It was a perfect, predictable, typical Richard Gere movie. But, very sweet on a cold, damp rainy Michigan afternoon.
Last nights menu was soup and salad....quick and easy.
Then it was off to a Boy Scout meeting.
My purple crocus are finally blooming.
I watched two robins building a nest yesterday...
it was amazing and something I never tire of.
Filled out two class proposal forms (to teach) for our homeschool co-op next Fall.
Look at this cute little picture that my cousin gave me on Easter!
I just love it. It makes me smile when I look at it.
Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I liked Nights in Rodanthe all right, but it was sooo sad. I cried buckets!

Glad you're liking redbox. Wish one was closer to me.