February 01, 2010

U'LL love this!

just have to see this unbelievable blog about saving money on groceries! the lady of this site, has done a 31 days worth of tips for saving, couponing and stockpiling groceries! i watched all 31 of her tips... they're really to the point and quick! i'll be adding her blog to my sidebar... that way u can get there from here. in the meantime... click here!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Been too long since I have commented, but I am reading! I am all caught up. Happy Belated bday to Tommie and I hope his ankle and head are feeling better. Love your cheerful approach to life, Michele. It lifts my spirits! Has been far too long since we've had a chance to talk. Oh btw, James thought the mummy movie was COOL. He should show you the mummy making kit he got for Christmas.