January 01, 2010

mighty proud of these projects, i am!

i'm mighty proud of the bookmarks i mod-podged!

... i recycled heavy cardboard from socks i received for christmas! then mod-podged scrapbook paper, vintage ric-rack, fun pictures and scrapbook stickers. now.... there's no reason for me to "dog-ear" my pages, anymore!

here's another mighty-proud project, that took all of 3 seconds to make. i used vintage tins, which i found at an estate sale, for a dime each.... and stuck simple scrapbook stickers on them. the cylinder tin will be home to a collection of foreign money we've collected from friends and family. the other... will be a cheerful recipe box.


My Little Corner said...

Love your projects, especially the bookmarks! They are beautiful.

Lisa said...

So cute!!!

jamie said...

Those are all so cute...especially love the little recipe box!

Anonymous said...

thanks friends!
crafts can be therapeutic (sp?)!
