January 04, 2010

b is for.....

today's letter... b.
b is for:
brrrrr! it's miserably cold!
back to homeschool lessonsl!
boy scouts in my kitchen making bag lunches for a local homeless shelter!
bbq pork chop dinner with green beans from summer (freezer).
and this market bag and mini bag... made from green bean fabric!

i just love these bags... they were given to me by my sweet friend holly, for a christmas present! isn't she awesome with the sewing machine? both are completely lined with black fabric. thanks friend... you're the best!


jamie said...

I enjoy your alphabet blogs. It's very creative that you always think of something for each letter.

My Little Corner said...

Love the bags! Looking forward to tomorrow's blog

Lisa said...

Glad you're doing the ABC blogs again! Those green bean bags are sooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

I love green beans, esp fresh ones from the garden..all your bright ideas are refreshing and inspiring!- Janet M