tent camped - had air mattress
unbelievable daytime weather - sunny and 70
hiked a lot
saw a huge box turtle
couldn't get my nose warm all night
think it was about 39 degrees during the night
only bathroom choice? out house
holly kept me giggling
holly and i shared the air mattress
i bossed her around since i'm old enough to be her mother
matt slept in the tent beside us
he hiked with us, too.
brandi came on saturday
went for another hike
only saw a nuthatch and robin
i kept my eyes straight ahead or up...too many snakes on the ground
brandi like snakes
i don't
neither does holly
matt acts like he does
i know he is more afraid then me
saw one swan
had pancakes for breakfast- passed on the greasy sausage
grilled cheese for lunch- must remember to take my homemade canned pickles next time
brandi's six months pregnant
she is such a trooper
she slept on a thin air mattress with Holly and I Saturday night, in my tent
she brought some really good board games and cards--didn't get to play
wanted to
Holly brought Arbonne foot spa supplies-- wanted to take a foot spa- didn't get to it. will next time.
Brandi brought snacks... I helped myself to them
Holly knitted
Brandi knitted
I worked on felted change purses with the blanket stitch
Matt made a hemp bracelet
super excellent lasagna for dinner, garlic bread and salad
we girls did the dishes
another hike
saw this dead wood chuck (picture above)
wanted matt to pluck the teeth out for me for my nature collection
he wouldn't.
used the out house again
after 30 boys using it all weekend
i must think of something else while i'm using it
like i am in hawaii
night time
brandi wore really cute polka dot pajamas
holly wore really cute fleece pajamas that she made
i wore my coat
came home sunday morning
i was disappointed i had to miss church
super hot shower with bath and body works body wash
sweat suit
unpacked, did laundry, regrouped.
a fantabulous weekend...full of giggles, food and friends.
i can't wait to go again.

WE HAD SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! and not only did she mother me but she even used my middle name lol!
Sounds LOVELY! What a nice time! I enjoyed reading about it. (And I guarantee you that homeschool camping is even MORE fun! I double dog dare ya!)
Sounds like it was a blast. Are you planning on checking out the 18 garage sales, that someone emailed about?
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