December 16, 2010

pink giant shasta daisy's...
line my back porch windows.
each week, when the day is over and done at the market i set up at, i am given bunches and bunches of fresh, leftover flowers that didn't sell at the vendor's booth next to me.  i've been blessed with dozens and dozens of pink or white roses, french yellow tulips, fuchsia carnations and orange shasta daisies. talk about kindness....  thanks kathy!  smile, wink, nod. 


Mitzi Curi said...

Wow, what a great benefit from setting up next to a flower vendor! Your shasta daisies are lovely, and are a great contrast to all of our snow!

Merry Christmas, Michelle


jamie said...

Wow, that looks like it could be a magazine cover! Simple and yet beautiful.

MICHELE said...

thanks... they really are beautiful! in real life!