January 21, 2010

M: MAde By mE

in the afternoon yesterday, i whipped up this homemade hot pad/pot holder! it's made from recycled sweaters. get this... i even dyed my own fabric last fall... with grape juice from our wild grapes! this is how the color turned out.... a scrumptious pink! if you could see it in real life... the pink flowers are sort of tye-dyed. very, very cool...

i also made rhinestone eyeglass cases!

i found each case for a dime in goodwill's cheap bin and waddled over to joann fabrics and purchased rhinestones for a dollar... you know i had the 1/2 off coupon in my purse.

this is how they turned out... i'll be selling them at an upcoming spring show at michigan state university.

here's the link for the joann's printable 1/2 off coupon! click here.

here's a coupon for 40% off! click here.

*jamie and sue... thanks for the comments. i'm only on chapter 4 in the grapes of wrath. so far-so good.


My Little Corner said...

Glad you are liking the book...so far.
Love the pot holder/hot pad. Especially how you made the dye!

Lisa said...

Many mumbling mice making midnight music in the moonlight - mighty nice! (One of my fav quotes from Seuss!)

Lynn said...

Dear Michele,

I love the pot holder. And that color came out so pretty! My, I love to do things like that. If only I had more time! :)

The other day I was reading about your ice wreaths, but I was short on time (working, you know) and did not have time to leave a comment, but they are beautiful! I wanted to come back and leave a comment right away, but you know how the minutes and hours fly away. So here I am now.

I love your blog background, too, which I've been meaning to tell you.

Anyway, I'm like you these days -- visiting and sometimes not having time to say anything, but still enjoying my favorite blogs just the same. So many blogs, so little time!

Hugs to you friend,

Wee Pip said...

Cute! I need new oven mitts, maybe I'll get some ideas from you at co-op:) I hated grapes of wrath in high school,but maybe I'd like it better now.

Mitzi Curi said...

Michele, I love the colors you used on your pot holder. Very cute finished project!